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I wouldn't have expected GOG to accept a game which towards the end of its development cycle runs to Kickstarter to finance its completion. It's too shaky, even if they secure the amont they ask for. I wouldn't think it impossible though for GOG to re-evaluate if the devs approach them again with a completed product.

Because of that, voting may not be such a bad idea.
BreOl72: On which game reminds me the protagonist?
MarkoH01: Hob?
Bingo! That's the one.
StarChan: I wouldn't have expected GOG to accept a game which towards the end of its development cycle runs to Kickstarter to finance its completion. It's too shaky, even if they secure the amont they ask for. I wouldn't think it impossible though for GOG to re-evaluate if the devs approach them again with a completed product.

Because of that, voting may not be such a bad idea.
If this would have been the answer GOG gave the dev I probably would not even have created this thread or advertized for the wishlist. According to GOG the game simply is not the kind of game GOGers would buy ... not a single word about them not believing the dev would be able to complete the game or get the necessary fundings with the request to try again when the game is finished.
viperfdl: He reminds me of Orko from He-Man.
I wasn't much in He-Man when I was a kid, so I wouldn't know that character, but yeah...a certain similarity is definitely existent.
StarChan: I wouldn't have expected GOG to accept a game which towards the end of its development cycle runs to Kickstarter to finance its completion. It's too shaky, even if they secure the amont they ask for. I wouldn't think it impossible though for GOG to re-evaluate if the devs approach them again with a completed product.

Because of that, voting may not be such a bad idea.
MarkoH01: If this would have been the answer GOG gave the dev I probably would not even have created this thread or advertized for the wishlist. According to GOG the game simply is not the kind of game GOGers would buy ... not a single word about them not believing the dev would be able to complete the game or get the necessary fundings with the request to try again when the game is finished.
Could you link to the GOG statement? I'm just curious.
Sorry, not gonna vote on the wishlist. Gog don't give a fuck about the wishlist. Voting there is a fool's errand.

If you REALLY want this game on gog, get in touch with gaming rags, so they write hitpieces on gog's "curation".
MarkoH01: GOG rejected the game and said "... we feel that the game would not be a good fit for GOG, as we think that it appears to be too niche and a bit too small in scale in terms of production value for our users"
That is exactly, EXACTLY, V-E-R-B-A-T-I-M the same thing they wrote to the Grimoire dev. I get low rated to hell when I say that they copypaste their rejection letters, but this proves that I was right all along.

Gog "curation" must burn.
fronzelneekburm: Sorry, not gonna vote on the wishlist. Gog don't give a fuck about the wishlist. Voting there is a fool's errand.

If you REALLY want this game on gog, get in touch with gaming rags, so they write hitpieces on gog's "curation".
MarkoH01: GOG rejected the game and said "... we feel that the game would not be a good fit for GOG, as we think that it appears to be too niche and a bit too small in scale in terms of production value for our users"
fronzelneekburm: That is exactly, EXACTLY, V-E-R-B-A-T-I-M the same thing they wrote to the Grimoire dev. I get low rated to hell when I say that they copypaste their rejection letters, but this proves that I was right all along.

Gog "curation" must burn.
Well - maybe their curation letters are not the best then? Still - PLEASE don't make this about their curation. Cursing their curation to hell and back won't help. We need to be constructive here.
fronzelneekburm: Sorry, not gonna vote on the wishlist. Gog don't give a fuck about the wishlist. Voting there is a fool's errand.

If you REALLY want this game on gog, get in touch with gaming rags, so they write hitpieces on gog's "curation".
MarkoH01: GOG rejected the game and said "... we feel that the game would not be a good fit for GOG, as we think that it appears to be too niche and a bit too small in scale in terms of production value for our users"
fronzelneekburm: That is exactly, EXACTLY, V-E-R-B-A-T-I-M the same thing they wrote to the Grimoire dev. I get low rated to hell when I say that they copypaste their rejection letters, but this proves that I was right all along.
From Part 3 of Gamestar's Behind the scenes-documentary:

"And we then always write very extensive feedback explaining why we said no." (Marta Adamska, Head of Business Development)
low rated
MarkoH01: PLEASE don't make this about their curation. Cursing their curation to hell and back won't help. We need to be constructive here.
You don't see the forest for the trees. The "curation" IS the problem. The fuckheads doing their "curation" ARE the problem.

Read the Grimoire rejection again. Sound familiar? How can these people keep their jobs? They're so hilariously incompetent even for an outside visitor I dread to see what things look like from the inside...

You were one of the foremost defenders when it came to the issue of "It's their shop, they can sell whatever they want." Well, looks like you finally got your turn to get bitten in the ass by these lobotomized dumbfucks. It was going to happen sooner or later. Quo Vadis GOG? Imma wager a guess and say bankrupcy.

And sorry, please don't expect me to be nice and civil, because this shit pisses me off to no end. Their decisions are braindead, their excuses are flimsy, they don't give two shits about what the community says and if there's trouble a-brewin, they send out insultinly arrogant correspondence to their users that are copypasted just as much as they copypaste their rejection letters to devs.

It's a farce and these people should be fired.
MarkoH01: PLEASE don't make this about their curation. Cursing their curation to hell and back won't help. We need to be constructive here.
fronzelneekburm: You don't see the forest for the trees. The "curation" IS the problem. The fuckheads doing their "curation" ARE the problem.

Read the Grimoire rejection again. Sound familiar? How can these people keep their jobs? They're so hilariously incompetent even for an outside visitor I dread to see what things look like from the inside...

You were one of the foremost defenders when it came to the issue of "It's their shop, they can sell whatever they want." Well, looks like you finally got your turn to get bitten in the ass by these lobotomized dumbfucks. It was going to happen sooner or later. Quo Vadis GOG? Imma wager a guess and say bankrupcy.

And sorry, please don't expect me to be nice and civil, because this shit pisses me off to no end. Their decisions are braindead, their excuses are flimsy, they don't give two shits about what the community says and if there's trouble a-brewin, they send out insultinly arrogant correspondence to their users that are copypasted just as much as they copypaste their rejection letters to devs.

It's a farce and these people should be fired.
I knew I could not completely avoid this *sigh*.
(Btw: Did you notice that I said that I am NOT angry?)
Post edited May 23, 2019 by MarkoH01
low rated
MarkoH01: I knew I could not completely avoid this *sigh*.
What's there to avoid, dude? Just call a spade a spade. Those games aren't here because the fairy godmother wouldn't let them, it's because of dumb decisions by gog's "curators". Ergo: Gog's "curators" are at fault.

You think your precious game is going to show up here just because you refuse to point fingers at the problem? I tried to be nice, I tried to be constructive and all I got was more copypaste replies about how awesome their "curation" is. Sorry, at this point I just want this sorry mess to burn to the ground. I'd rather have no curation (with all the shovelware and asset-flips this entails) than this "curation"

Swedrami: From Part 3 of Gamestar's Behind the scenes-documentary:

"And we then always write very extensive feedback explaining why we said no." (Marta Adamska, Head of Business Development)
Oh, yeah.. the Gamestar "documentary". I talked about this before, so - in true gogian fashion - here's a copypaste of my thoughts on what Ms Adamska had to say:
A softball interview a German gaming rag had with gog about their "curation" process. It gets interesting around the 5:55 mark and especially at the 9:35 mark. Pretty much everything the bizdev lady says about "very extensive feedback" is directly contradicted by the pathetic rejection letter they sent to Cleve. They also claim that they're "in touch with the community" and I call bullshit on that as well. No one from staff posts on the gog forums any more, except for the occasional bit of heavy-handed forum moderation and obligatory damage control whenever they pull some dumb PR move. The Grimoire thread on gog has 1200+ posts, the wishlist votes keep steadily growing. But they're not listening.
fronzelneekburm: What's there to avoid, dude? Just call a spade a spade. Those games aren't here because the fairy godmother wouldn't let them, it's because of dumb decisions by gog's "curators". Ergo: Gog's "curators" are at fault.
What's there to avoid? General discussions like this. It was never my intention to find out whose "fault" this is. My intention is to contact GOGers here so that hey could express their opinion on the rejection for this specific game by voting for it and supporting the dev. Burning something to the ground is neither my intention nor would it bring me any closer to my goal. So if you want to burn something down - why don't you create a thread on your own to burn? I know I cannot force you to not turn this into a general discussion about curation but how about if I would BEG you?
Your thread is dodgy to say the least, starting with an OP which boldly claims rejection by GOG and yet, despite being overly long, does not cite any sources. Only by direct inquiry by one of the posters, do you allow the information to seep through that you have heard this from people working on the game. I'd like to know why this information was held back in the OP? It doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong: If you have insider information, you say so at the very start of the thread. Accountability is not something you can expect others to ignore, and you have seriously compromised you right to be taken seriously, IMO.
StarChan: Your thread is dodgy to say the least, starting with an OP which boldly claims rejection by GOG and yet, despite being overly long, does not cite any sources. Only by direct inquiry by one of the posters, do you allow the information to seep through that you have heard this from people working on the game. I'd like to know why this information was held back in the OP? It doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong: If you have insider information, you say so at the very start of the thread. Accountability is not something you can expect others to ignore, and you have seriously compromised you right to be taken seriously, IMO.
Actually, the OP is correct and they rejected the game. I contacted the Dev myself and got a reply confirming the OP is truthful about it and I'm now confirming with the dev if he doesn't mind me screen capping it and sharing it around to get more awareness of GOG beyond stupid Curation. Seriously they already Curated the game while it not even being complete. They could have requested to play a complete build before accepting it.

Again showing we are subject to the curation teams bias towards certain games.
MarkoH01: My intention is to contact GOGers here so that hey could express their opinion on the rejection for this specific game by voting for it and supporting the dev.
Ok then, what makes you think that this will turn out any differently than the dozens of other "voat on wishlist, plox" attempts to rally the community?