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Hello all, as suggested in the title I'm thinking about getting a new graphics card for my desktop PC.

The thing is, I haven't kept myself up to date with the whole GPU evolution, so the last time I remember researching was when I got a Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 (2 MB), and later a Creative 3DFX Voodoo Banshee (16 MB) :)

To make it even clearer, when I built my current PC a few years ago I chose a graphics card solely based on the price and I ended up getting a cheap Nvidia GeForce GT730 Silent (2 GB). I guess this card is mostly for multimedia purposes and not gaming, but it served me well so far.

Now, my requirements are not high at all.

-I mostly play adventure games (the point 'n click ones, not the pew-pew parkour ones) and metroidvanias.
-Also, I do not care about 4K or 500fps while gaming, but it would be nice if it could support 4K resolution for my desktop area.
-As an extra, if it could handle more demanding games without issues (e.g. run Witcher 3 at 1080 without stuttering) it would be nice, mostly for family and friends who want to play these games on my PC.
-As an extra extra, if it also has linux support (e.g. official drivers for linux) it would be nice, just in case I install a second OS next to Windows.
-Finally, my budget for a card now is at most 150 euros, no more.

If it can help filter available choices
-My motherboard is Gigabyte GA-990XA-UD3
-My CPU is AMD FX 8350 (power hungry that one!)
-My PSU is a 600W Thermaltake (Bronze)
Ideally you could look and find an AMD RX 570 and they often go for low prices nowadays, it does Linux fine and runs most games at 1080p well.

A second choice but a little more limiting would be GTX 1650 Super if you can find it during a black friday sale, it's a bit faster but Linux drivers are a bit more unreliable but it's worth considering for 1080p.
Post edited November 24, 2020 by ChrisGamer300
low rated
I game on RTX 2060 and it's great

Do not bully me please
ChrisGamer300: GTX 1650 Super
I second this.
I agree, a x70 would be best if you want a nice and stutterfree experience with Witcher 3.

Amazon have RX 570 for about the same as GTX 1650.

Vs RX 550 & RX 560:

In my experience Radeon cards are hazzlefree, stable and it just works (in Linux also), and if you consider playing games based on the Unreal Engine I would especially recommend not to buy GeForce cards that are factory OC as they have a much higher chance of getting errors running these games (like D3D device lost f.ex.).

RX 570 also beats 1650:

EDIT: Even against the Super, RX 570 still holds its position (especially considering price):
Post edited November 24, 2020 by sanscript
I join the others, an RX570 sounds like the best option :)
Panaias: -As an extra extra, if it also has linux support (e.g. official drivers for linux) it would be nice, just in case I install a second OS next to Windows.
AMD GPUs are a much better choice than Nvidia ones.

The thing is, there's a good open source driver for AMD GPUs in the upstream Linux kernel, and I would expect any modern desktop distribution (that is, anything you'd seriously consider installing) to include that driver. Furthermore, said driver will be automatically updated with the kernel.

Nvidia, on the other hand, keeps their graphics drivers proprietary, which means they can't be included with the upstream kernel. This means they have to be downloaded and installed separately, and will need to be separately updated whenever the kernel gets updated (and sometimes it might take a little while). Also, this means that you will have to be more careful about your choice of distribution; debian systems will need to enable the non-free repository, while fedora systems need a third party repository, for example. The noveau driver in the upstream kernel does not have good performance, so that's not a good option here.
Thank you all for your suggestions, you're really helpful!

I'm all for supporting AMD, although it seems that I just missed a super great deal on a RX570 (sold out due to black friday) :/

I see a deal now on a Sapphire Radeon RX 5500 XT Pulse 8 GB - about 190 euros.
Is it worth considering to expand my budget a bit? Compared to RX570 that is (performance and power consumption wise).

Also, please post any more suggestions or info you may have that could help.
Sure that 5500 XT is better with support for newer things, though not ray-tracing. I thought you wanted to keep it cheap. There will be more deals coming in but hopefully the cards from that generation are nearing the end of stock.
Nvidia offers better performance for the money you spend. I suspect that AMD's GPU offerings would only become competitive with their RDNA3 architecture, which is a ways off. AMD is generally the "kinder" company, in the sense that they are more focused on open-source initiatives and not as dastardly when compared to Nvidia - but their budget for developing GPUs has been starved until recent years.

In any case, I believe you should focus on getting a new rig outright. The AMD FX series was and always will be a dog, and the motherboard will kneecap the performance of modern GPUs. The AM4 Socket is approaching end-of-life far as new things go, meaning you can build a new rig once and not have to upgrade for several years.
Themken: Sure that 5500 XT is better with support for newer things, though not ray-tracing. I thought you wanted to keep it cheap. There will be more deals coming in but hopefully the cards from that generation are nearing the end of stock.
True, I want to stay in budget. (I prefer keeping those extra 40 euros to buy some RAM)

I'm mostly asking because I don't know if the RX570 "disappears" due to end of production or due to the whole black friday frenzy :)

Of course I don't mind waiting until a new deal appears again.

Also, I like how most opinions here are totally aligned towards AMD and that specific chip!
Sabin_Stargem: ...In any case, I believe you should focus on getting a new rig outright. The AMD FX series was and always will be a dog, and the motherboard will kneecap the performance of modern GPUs. The AM4 Socket is approaching end-of-life far as new things go, meaning you can build a new rig once and not have to upgrade for several years.
True, my system may not be cutting-edge but it serves me well for the past 5 years or so. Also, I generally am not the kind of person who constantly upgrades, especially if you consider the games I play. It also acts perfectly as a development PC. So, from this perspective, I intend to keep my current system for another few years :) (just a GPU, some RAM and probably a newer SSD are the only upgrades I will need).
Post edited November 24, 2020 by Panaias
200$ (about 169 Euro)

And just for future proofing, no matter what card you choose:

There isn't much difference up to 5500 XT (seems to run cooler though than 570), but if you get a 5500XT 8BG cheap then go for it... in case you one day decide to play something heavier than adventure games and newer than Witcher 3.

I still have my RX480 and was at first thinking of 5500XT, but personally I'm going to wait until 5600/5700 get cheaper at least.
Post edited November 24, 2020 by sanscript
sanscript: 200$ (about 169 Euro)

And just for future proofing, no matter what card you choose:

There isn't much difference up to 5500 XT (seems to run cooler though than 570), but if you get a 5500XT 8BG cheap then go for it... in case you one day decide to play something heavier than adventure games and newer than Witcher 3.

I still have my RX480 and was at first thinking of 5500XT, but personally I'm going to wait until 5600/5700 get cheaper at least.
Thanks for the extra links!

I'm not committed to "buying a RX570 no matter what", so if you have any other suggestions (preferably AMD) in the price range up to 150 euros then please share.

I'm pretty sure any new graphics card will be at least 10x better than my current one :) I just wanted to get advice from fellow GOGers here since many seem to know more than I do about GPUs.
low rated
As i said RTX 2060 will be enough
With an FX 8350 I wouldn't get anything above a GeForce GTX 1060 or Radeon RX 580, anything above that is probably overkill but ultimately it depends on the price.