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The trees have eyes.

<span class="bold">Through the Woods</span>, the chilling adventure of a woman looking for her son inside a terrifying forest spawned from Norwegian folktales, is now available, DRM-free on, with a 10% launch discount.

Kids assign magical properties to pretty much everything: their toys, their pets, their parents. In their impressionable minds, even a simple forest becomes an enchanted place, full of strange beasts, living trees, and cursed rocks. But what if those terrible fantasies were real? What if the forest is alive, writhing and twisting around you, making you question your sense of direction, your perception of reality and ultimately your own sanity. And somewhere among these unholy howls, these rustling noises, and the menacing shadows, your son is being kept from you, scared and alone, hoping to be rescued before he too becomes a part of the forest's dark history. Your flashlight and your wits are your only weapons. Try to keep them both about you at all times - for his sake.

Steel your nerves and fight your childhood fears as you venture on a one-way trip <span class="bold">Through the Woods</span>, DRM-free on Looking for something to keep you company? Invest in the <span class="bold">Collector's Edition</span> that contains the spooky soundtrack and a detailed artbook.
The 10% discount will last until November 3, 16:59 PM UTC.

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Post edited October 28, 2016 by maladr0Id
IAmSinistar: That looks like my cuppa. Too much to play at the moment, so wishlisted, but one I will almost certainly get. Unless the reviews put it in the same camp as Kholat. ~_~
You didn't like Kholat?
CharlesGrey: You didn't like Kholat?
I did not, unfortunately. It was lovely to walk through, but seem to bear very little on the actual mystery, and the monster mechanism was not satisfying. The plot also seemed to go off the rails into giant cosmic horror rather quickly, instead of being a claustrophic story of isolation and dread. It would have been better if done more like, say, Firewatch.
CharlesGrey: You didn't like Kholat?
IAmSinistar: I did not, unfortunately. It was lovely to walk through, but seem to bear very little on the actual mystery, and the monster mechanism was not satisfying. The plot also seemed to go off the rails into giant cosmic horror rather quickly, instead of being a claustrophic story of isolation and dread. It would have been better if done more like, say, Firewatch.
It's not a must-have, but I enjoyed it for what it was. I liked the setting and atmosphere, and it had high production values overall, voice acting, music and graphics included. The story is a matter of personal preferences, I suppose, but they could have spiced up the gameplay some more. Perhaps some actual climbing sections, or some creative puzzles. It really is mostly a creepy "walking simulator".
Tekkaman-James: [...] The events of the game are being recalled by the player character at some future date. This presents a great mechanic for handling death. Since the character is clearly not dead, any event that ends in her death is simply a matter of her incorrectly remembering that moment, thus giving a creative reason for why you are able to restart and try again.
"...And then the monster got me, and I died. ...No wait, I might be misremembering that." XD
I'm not sure I'd call that a great [read: credible] way to handle player death, at least from a narrative standpoint. Still, at least it's novel. =)
Post edited October 28, 2016 by HunchBluntley
CharlesGrey: It really is mostly a creepy "walking simulator".
Aye. In all likelihood my reaction to the game is also influenced by having read a really book on the Dyatlov Pass mystery right before playing it. So my expectations were high, perhaps unrealistically so.
CharlesGrey: It really is mostly a creepy "walking simulator".
IAmSinistar: Aye. In all likelihood my reaction to the game is also influenced by having read a really book on the Dyatlov Pass mystery right before playing it. So my expectations were high, perhaps unrealistically so.
But was it a really really book, or was it a somewhat-ish, kinda-but-not-quite totally book?
joppo: But was it a really really book, or was it a somewhat-ish, kinda-but-not-quite totally book?
Oops, left out the word "good". But yes, it's a really book, with paper and ink and all that. :D