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Cuando GOG tendra idioma Español
se que estan trabajando con galaxy
Ahora la principal razon por la que compro en otros lados es porque hay información clara y en mi idioma de que estoy comprando.
Solo he comprado algunos juegos aqui porque aunque los juegos sean DRM-free, no tengo la misma confianza de comprar si nisiquiera la información del pago esta en mi idioma.
Aunque creo que nadie de gog lo leerá (en general las personas de latinoamerica no somos tomadas muy en cuenta porque piensan que no compramos) espero que pronto llegue esta plataforma al español.
Post edited May 12, 2015 by Breja
mr fawlty ?

in other words english plox so the rest of the forum knows what your talking about
social courtesy and norms and all that
Si han puesto el francés y el alemán, añadirán el castellano tarde o temprano. Paciencia.

For the rest: he wants a Spanish version of the site. Honestly, I would have expected that earlier. In my experience, there's a lot more Spanish speakers who know no English than German speakers. Since GOG has started adding other languages, I'd rather like them to get a Spanish version too so I can tell them to go over there and have my forum corner Spanish-free.
Breja: Que?
I liked that Ke better. It was funny.
Post edited May 12, 2015 by P1na
Imagino que español sera la proxima idioma hablada aqui, y pienso que no se debe esperar mucho màs para la invasion de drm-free mariachi ;-)

(traduccion con memoria y diccionario solo, no google o la ayuda de un amigo español)
^you are doing that on purpose >.o
snowkatt: ^you are doing that on purpose >.o
If you mean pissing you off, then yes. Why else would I lower myself to use Spanish?
P1na: If you mean pissing you off, then yes. Why else would I lower myself to use Spanish?
i dont know
why would you ?
you apparently dont like the language ;p
snowkatt: i dont know
why would you ?
you apparently dont like the language ;p
I don't. But other than the language, the guy was actually quite polite, so I thought I'd at least give him a proper reply before dismissing him.
When will gog have spanish language?
Since you're working with galaxy.
Now the main reason why i buy on other places is because there's clear information in my language about what i'm buying.
I only bought some games here because even if the games are dm free, i dont have the same trust in buying games without any selling information in my language.
Even if i believe that gog won't do it (in general, people from south america are not really well regarded because they think that we don't buy) i hope that spanish comes to this platform quickly.


Spanish/latino goggers, how did i do?
Post edited May 12, 2015 by Cyraxpt
Cyraxpt: When will gog have spanish language?
Since you're working with galaxy.
Now the main reason why i buy on other places is because there's clear information in my language about what i'm buying.
I only bought some games here because even if the games are dm free, i dont have the same trust in buying games without any selling information in my language.
Even if i believe that gog won't do it (in general, people from south america are not really well regarded because they think that we don't buy) i hope that spanish comes to this platform quickly.


Spanish/latino goggers, how did i do?
You did fine.

I think GOG should have a Spanish version of the site, or at least a Spanish version of the General discussion forum, as Spanish is one of the most spoken languages of the world.
braqui: Cuando GOG tendra idioma Español
se que estan trabajando con galaxy
Ahora la principal razon por la que compro en otros lados es porque hay información clara y en mi idioma de que estoy comprando.
Solo he comprado algunos juegos aqui porque aunque los juegos sean DRM-free, no tengo la misma confianza de comprar si nisiquiera la información del pago esta en mi idioma.
Aunque creo que nadie de gog lo leerá (en general las personas de latinoamerica no somos tomadas muy en cuenta porque piensan que no compramos) espero que pronto llegue esta plataforma al español.
No creo que demore mucho en llegar la version en español, ya que no solo Sudamerica y Centroamerica sino tambien España son los afectados por la falta de dicha version.
Ahora el esfuerzo esta puesto en Galaxy así que cuando se calme un poco el tema, quiza puedan poner recursos en agregar la version en español.
Post edited May 12, 2015 by LoboBlanco
Español: Pues en la interfaz de GOG Galaxy es disponible el español. Pero aún después muchos años no hay disponible el español en la tienda de GOG ni un foro para los español hablantes. Todavía tengo paciencia. Tal vez en tiempo lo llega. Pues al menos así espero :)

English: Well, Spanish is available in the GOG Galaxy interface. However, after many year there still isn't Spanish available for the GOG store, neither a forum for Spanish speakers. Yet, I have patience. Perhaps in time it will arrive. Well, at least that is what I am hoping for. :)

Mi lenguaje materna es inglés pero prefiero el español porque es un idioma tan hermoso, divertido y interesante.

My mother (or maternal) language is English, but, I prefer Spanish because it's a language so beautiful, fun, and interesting.
Post edited December 09, 2020 by te_deum