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I have launcher already named Gog Galaxy. I don't need any other launcher. Remove this DRM crap.

For those who don't like launcher, add "--launcher-skip" parameter to skip this useless launcher

I love the game, I don't like one more useless step to run the game, I don't like to be logged in one more service I gave no consent (hello, RODO!)
In what form is a purely marketing-related launcher connected to DRM?
It's connected as it logs me in to a service I haven't been explicitly registered on with an account name I haven't created either.
Even this is a purely marketing thing I'd like to be asked nicely:

* If I want to create a separate account instead of creating one with unknown password and no other registration process activities: I'd like to set a password and if *I* agree to use my GOG account to log in with if it's oauth.
* Where I want to install the launcher if it's mandatory. Currently it explicitly installs in %AppData% without asking me if it's an appropriate place to install to (and in my case it's not as all my games live on a separate hard drive).
* Do I want to run launcher every time or not (in most cases it's not).
* Uninstalling Cyberpunk 2077 does NOT remove the launcher from my computer.

To solve this issue launcher to be installed as a separate tool (somewhat like DLC if it's required to be installed for a single game only or as a separate product). I'm ok with marketing thing turned on by default, but I want but it should be allowed to turn off indefinitely and install a game without installing any additional hidden software on my computer or uninstalled without mandatory re-installation.
I assume you're referring to the Red launcher.

As I said in another thread, there is no need to use, or even have installed, either GoG Galaxy or the Red launcher.
I have neither installed on my PC, and my install of Cyberpunk 2077 runs perfectly fine.

Just install the games you want to play, and run the .exe directly from the install directory.

Some games, such as Cyberpunk 2077, wants you to use the Red launcher, which I do not like, but it can be easily fixed by editing the launch path in the default shortcut, or create a new shortcut directly to the main .exe.

It's an inconvenience, I agree, but one that is very easy to fix.
I'd agree If it was only UI which does nothing but shows games, I would be ok to change an executable and do my gaming. But the rest stands and for me this becomes a problem.
krzontacz: But the rest stands and for me this becomes a problem.
So what actually IS the problem? I get the privacy part, and I agree with that, but you make it sound like it is a technical problem.

You don't need GoG Galaxy or the Red launcher, so why not just uninstall them both, edit the shortcut path and play the game without interference or tracking?
Yes, I see it as well as a technical problem, because I as a user have no choice. I have to be a power user to work around the launcher, and not everybody is.

I'd like that launcher would be installed with some sort of a user confirmation as well as logging in.
Okay, since you have both GoG Galaxy the Red launcher, can you do a test for me, please.

Go to your Cyberpunk 2077 install directory, navigate here:
Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64

...and run

What happens? Do GoG Galaxy and / or the Red launcher still activate, or do you get straight to the main menu of the game?
This works and I know it. also `--launcher-skip` still works as I've wrote above. But you have to know it ahead to never run a launcher.

Please stick to the point
Then what is the point? You can simply uninstall both GoG Galaxy and the Red launcher, as they are completely redundant to play the actual game, and never see any of the launchers at all.

If the point is that you want CDPR to remove the Red launcher, then that is something for the Red forums. There are no actual developers here who would take your point and do anything about it.
From a general user perspective I'd like to make launcher an optional component rather than your proposition to remove Gog Galaxy itself

I don't like double standards, like with for Prison Architect and few other games with launchers added later it's ok to be unhappy with a launcher and with Cyberpunk 2077 it's suddenly not OK
Post edited May 16, 2024 by krzontacz
I see that one, and it's a fair point. Am in the same situation with League of Legends.
Used to be you could play the game without any launcher, but now you're forced to use the all-encompassing "Riot launcher", that covers all of their games.

To be fair to Cyberpunk 2077 though, it's the Red launcher that has been added later, and that one is to my understanding completely optional. And it can also be uninstalled, regardless of GoG Galaxy.

I get the feeling I am missing the point completely here - I know that for some reason the Red launcher also...launches when launching the game through GoG Galaxy, which makes no sense, and if that's the case then yeah, I get your point.

But as neither GoG Galaxy or the Red launcher is an actual requirement to play Cyberpunk 2077, I don't see any real problem at the same time. It is still better than Steam, where you only rent any game you pay for, and cannot play anything without the Steam client.
As far as I remember launcher has been added to Cyberpunk at least a year ago, but for the whole time till recently it did nothing without popping out a window.

Back in the day I've tested it behaviour, and information might be a little bit outdated.

* The placement is always in %AppData% and there's no option to change it. I bet there is some hidden argument or an environment variable to be set, but I don't want to search for it.
* Raw un-installation of launcher would give nothing as it will be installed on a next launch.
* Adding `--skip-launcher` argument will skip installation (fount somewhere on Gog Forums or reddit)
* Run the game without launcher won't launch the game.
* I don't know since when, but it logs me in automatically without my concern. I understand that this is GOG OAuth, for their other forums, but… it's a separate server to be log in and take care of and separate user private data nonetheless.

Gog Galaxy communication is asynchronous and when a user starts a Gog Galaxy in background and then manually runs a game, it is count for game the same way as this user would run the game from Gog Galaxy, but it doesn't force Gog Galaxy to run in the first place. Gog Galaxy is a useful thing for achievements and match making for multiplayer games.
I completely agree that this shouldn't be on by default.

Especially since it doesn't even work correctly.

Yes, it can be avoided, bypassed, or worked around.

But needing to do that if you don't like it, should not be the default.
Automatically, opted-in should never be the default.

Really makes me question the whole use of Galaxy as a whole.