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I'm going to try to be as clear as i can . Please allow me to give you a bit of information about my current situation so that you guys can help me to the best of your ability. I believe this will help both sides reach a conclusion in the easiest way possible.

So , todays date is 3/21/2024 and the last time i played cyberpunk2077 was 10/15/2022. I have not bought the Phantom Liberty DLC yet but plan to. This post is excluding anything dealing with the Phantom Liberty DLC. I did a quick google search and found out how to check my game's version . It is to my understanding that i am currently running product version 1.6. This is what is says on the .exe file extension as well as in the bottom left hand corner of the screen upon visiting the main menu. I can launch my game and even play from where i left off in my 2nd playthrough.

On the GOG 2.0 app when i go to games i can click on Cyberpunk2077 and upon doing so i have 3 tabs at the top of the screen. One label says " Extras " so i click on that and here is where my confusion starts. I already tried updating the game but it tells me that it's up to date. I know this isn't the case because in the " Extras " tab i see like 40 files .

Please correct me if I'm wrong but to my understanding the " Legacy patch " aka 1.63 ( 119)gb is something i already have ? or maybe not ? My main thing is this : how do i update my game from 1.6 to the newest 2.12 ? Do i need to start from the very bottom and install each individual one going from bottom to top ? Are there ones i can skip ?

I haven't touched this game in 2 years but I'm so confused on how to actually go about updating it so that i can finish my 2nd playthrough then move on to the DLC.

Sorry if this is alot but I'm confused as patch 2.0 has like 7 versions and i don't know if i need all of those in order , just one of those or what ? It's extremely confusing so please help me if you can.
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First off, please don't use GoG Galaxy. It serves no purpose whatsoever, and only causes issues with running the game.
Much better to run the game locally though the main Cyberpunk2077.exe located in the install directory, under:
Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64

Cyberpunk 2077 have had a surprisingly confusing patch system, especially after the launch of the Phantom Liberty expansion (no, Phantom Liberty is NOT a "DLC"), but as for game version, you are definitely on patch 1.6.

If you were on 1.61, it would state that in the ingame main menu. And as you say, 1.63 is the final patch of the "legacy" version of the game, with many new features introduced with 2.0 and later version.

You can download and install the 1.63 installer if you want, though if you have many mods installed, I would recommend doing a separate 1.63 install and rename the 1.6 install. If you don't have many mods, I would again recommend downloading the 1.63 version, and simply delete your existing 1.6 install. Then you can do a clean 1.63 install to replace it and continue on your save games as if nothing had happened.

If you intend to buy and play Phantom Liberty after you have finished your 1.6 or 1.63 playthrough, I would recommend finishing the game on 1.6 / 1.63 first. There is a lot of new stuff with the 2.0 and later version of the game. You can safely do it, your 1.6 saves will be compatible with 2.0, but the game will in many cases not feel the same, and the saves cannot be used if you want to go back to 1.6 afterwards.

But if you complete the game first, then you can download the installers for the 2.12 patch and install that as a fresh install, together with the offline installs for Phantom Liberty. I would strongly recommend downloading everything through the browser (and not through GoG Galaxy), and then do the install. Using the patches all the way back from 1.6 to the latest likely won't be possible (GoG just LOVES leave one, small required patch out of the offline download list), and just give you a lot of headaches in general.

I'm still on 2.1 (using lots of mods, so I don't want to update everything there's a small patch that will break everything), but the complete offline download list will look like this:
Note that the current game versions / build numbers are different, and there may be slight changes in the overall file size.

Main game, 28 files, 104 GB:

Phantom Liberty, 11 files, 38.5 GB
Post edited March 22, 2024 by PaladinNO
PaladinNO: First off, please don't use GoG Galaxy. It serves no purpose whatsoever, and only causes issues with running the game.
Much better to run the game locally though the main Cyberpunk2077.exe located in the install directory, under:
Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64

Cyberpunk 2077 have had a surprisingly confusing patch system, especially after the launch of the Phantom Liberty expansion (no, Phantom Liberty is NOT a "DLC"), but as for game version, you are definitely on patch 1.6.

If you were on 1.61, it would state that in the ingame main menu. And as you say, 1.63 is the final patch of the "legacy" version of the game, with many new features introduced with 2.0 and later version.

You can download and install the 1.63 installer if you want, though if you have many mods installed, I would recommend doing a separate 1.63 install and rename the 1.6 install. If you don't have many mods, I would again recommend downloading the 1.63 version, and simply delete your existing 1.6 install. Then you can do a clean 1.63 install to replace it and continue on your save games as if nothing had happened.

If you intend to buy and play Phantom Liberty after you have finished your 1.6 or 1.63 playthrough, I would recommend finishing the game on 1.6 / 1.63 first. There is a lot of new stuff with the 2.0 and later version of the game. You can safely do it, your 1.6 saves will be compatible with 2.0, but the game will in many cases not feel the same, and the saves cannot be used if you want to go back to 1.6 afterwards.

But if you complete the game first, then you can download the installers for the 2.12 patch and install that as a fresh install, together with the offline installs for Phantom Liberty. I would strongly recommend downloading everything through the browser (and not through GoG Galaxy), and then do the install. Using the patches all the way back from 1.6 to the latest likely won't be possible (GoG just LOVES leave one, small required patch out of the offline download list), and just give you a lot of headaches in general.

I'm still on 2.1 (using lots of mods, so I don't want to update everything there's a small patch that will break everything), but the complete offline download list will look like this:
Note that the current game versions / build numbers are different, and there may be slight changes in the overall file size.

Main game, 28 files, 104 GB:

Phantom Liberty, 11 files, 38.5 GB
well I'll give it a try but i think its ridiculous that i have to download 119gb just to have 1.63 then download more space , then download 38.5gb for phantom liberty . So basically i have to delete the game , redownload the game , update the game , then buy the dlc and download the dlc. I already have cyberpunk2077 on my pc currently running . It's insane to me that i have to actualy redownload the entire game just to move on that's just stupid.
PaladinNO: First off, please don't use GoG Galaxy. It serves no purpose whatsoever, and only causes issues with running the game.
Much better to run the game locally though the main Cyberpunk2077.exe located in the install directory, under:
Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64

Cyberpunk 2077 have had a surprisingly confusing patch system, especially after the launch of the Phantom Liberty expansion (no, Phantom Liberty is NOT a "DLC"), but as for game version, you are definitely on patch 1.6.

If you were on 1.61, it would state that in the ingame main menu. And as you say, 1.63 is the final patch of the "legacy" version of the game, with many new features introduced with 2.0 and later version.

You can download and install the 1.63 installer if you want, though if you have many mods installed, I would recommend doing a separate 1.63 install and rename the 1.6 install. If you don't have many mods, I would again recommend downloading the 1.63 version, and simply delete your existing 1.6 install. Then you can do a clean 1.63 install to replace it and continue on your save games as if nothing had happened.

If you intend to buy and play Phantom Liberty after you have finished your 1.6 or 1.63 playthrough, I would recommend finishing the game on 1.6 / 1.63 first. There is a lot of new stuff with the 2.0 and later version of the game. You can safely do it, your 1.6 saves will be compatible with 2.0, but the game will in many cases not feel the same, and the saves cannot be used if you want to go back to 1.6 afterwards.

But if you complete the game first, then you can download the installers for the 2.12 patch and install that as a fresh install, together with the offline installs for Phantom Liberty. I would strongly recommend downloading everything through the browser (and not through GoG Galaxy), and then do the install. Using the patches all the way back from 1.6 to the latest likely won't be possible (GoG just LOVES leave one, small required patch out of the offline download list), and just give you a lot of headaches in general.

I'm still on 2.1 (using lots of mods, so I don't want to update everything there's a small patch that will break everything), but the complete offline download list will look like this:
Note that the current game versions / build numbers are different, and there may be slight changes in the overall file size.

Main game, 28 files, 104 GB:

Phantom Liberty, 11 files, 38.5 GB
WAIT WAIT WAIT HOLD UP .....So what you're telling me is that 1.6 version i have isn't even the legacy update ? So basically its as if i have some bootleg version of cyberpunk running on my desktop . I have to actually redownload the entire game oh my god bro . I'll then after downloding the 119gb version of the same game then update it to 2.0, then 2.12, then get Phantom Liberty . WHAT CONSUMER SHOULD HAVE TO DO THIS ? THIS IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS ! Welp looks like I'm going to spend the next 5 months slowly downloading cyberpunk AGAIN !

No my internet is not that slow but my god man .... i just wanted to play the game wtf .
Post edited March 22, 2024 by Nuriyokan
Nuriyokan: WAIT WAIT WAIT HOLD UP .....So what you're telling me is that 1.6 version i have isn't even the legacy update ? So basically its as if i have some bootleg version of cyberpunk running on my desktop . I have to actually redownload the entire game oh my god bro . I'll then after downloding the 119gb version of the same game then update it to 2.0, then 2.12, then get Phantom Liberty . WHAT CONSUMER SHOULD HAVE TO DO THIS ? THIS IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS ! Welp looks like I'm going to spend the next 5 months slowly downloading cyberpunk AGAIN !

No my internet is not that slow but my god man .... i just wanted to play the game wtf .
Don't worry, it's not as bad as you described it there. For one, you can skip the 1.63 download entirely, unless you want a local copy of the "final legacy" version of the game. You got a working 1.6, then 1.63 won't change much - if anything - in terms of gameplay.

You can also skip 2.0 completely. 2.0 is the "expansion patch", and without Phantom Liberty, you technically don't need anything after 1.63. Or the 1.6 install that you have. Again, 2.0 and later radically changes the game, and you will have to relearn a lot in terms of which strategies is working now. Which is why the developers themselves recommends starting over with a new playthrough. I did not start over, as I was about halfway into my playthrough when the expansion was released, and I didn't want to spend another 100 hours to get back to the point where I was. But my 1.63 save game worked perfectly with 2.0 and Phantom Liberty.

And frankly, without Phantom Liberty, the 2.0 patch has caused numerous errors for people, because the game itself seemingly expects anyone trying to play 2.0 to have the expansion already installed. I installed 2.0 when it was released, because I purchased Phantom Liberty at that time to go with it. And I haven't had any issues at all, other than what isto be expected since I am modding the game.

But when you purchase Phantom Liberty, you will have to download the entire game at 2.12. The offline installers only list the latest version of the game, which has been a big part of the issue - you're either stuck with what you have, or being forced to download the very latest version. Unless you download a local copy of the entire game every time there is a new patch.

But seriously, do NOT try to PATCH your game from 1.6 to 2.12. I guarantee it will only give you a major headache, and cause you to waste a lot of time before finally giving in, and realize you basically have to start all over a second time by also downloading the offline installers for entire game, and install it from scratch. Ask me how I know. Hint: I already have done it - or I rather tried to do it, but couldn't because not all the patch files were available for download anymore.
Post edited March 22, 2024 by PaladinNO