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^ Is was actually, all through the night.
< Left the computer on all night to download Ark: Survival Evolved.
v If I did this after the desktop was fully upgraded, it would eat more power in the process.
^ So, how is your PC working now?

< understands that many PCs may be upgraded, so long as the mother board and CPU are capable of such

v How many GB of RAM are you running?
^ 16 GB of Ram and we tried installing the GTX 3060 yesterday, but it caused blindness because we don't have the power for it. Nvidia will resume until power supply improves.
< Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, Resident Evil 4, Just Cause 3, and Final Fantasy 12 all have the strange habit of showing in-game cutscenes in slow-motion and I wait long stretches between voice lines so character animations can catch up.
v With Just Cause 3, I can eliminate this problem gradually by turning the resolution down to the absolute minimum; but the cost for a normal speed is making the entire game look like Japanese porn.
^ You mean Hen Ties?
< I don't know why hens would need ties, tho
v Extra bacon or no?
^ Extra bacon is an oxymoron.
< One can never order too much bacon for breakfast.
v Bacon, eggs, sausage, and SPAM?
^ Can I get it without the spam?
< Currently sifting the forums to find threads to read/reply to that aren't spam
v Whhhhhhhhhhy?!?
Post edited May 08, 2024 by GamezRanker
^ Simply choose the second option offered... here. There is NO SPAM mentioned.
< knows the importance of paying attention
v Do you actually prefer the options with SPAM?
^ The only spam I ever liked was a custom Bionicle that looked like an albino Predacon.
< Currently watching Fallout Nuka Break, with a fraction of a fraction of Amazon's budget but triple the heart.
v The GTX 3070 has been working like a dream for 4 months; only a few games like Resident Evil 2 Remake require that I have less than max settings.
^ Although, I have been satisfied with the performance of my RTX 4070, my motherboard would accept the addition of two more RTX 4070s and I could afford it.
< GOG doesn't have any games that could really use such performance, except CP 2077, and I'm quite content to wait until 2077 to purchase said game.
v I will never purchase again from Steam, will you?
^ Seeing as I don't have the patience/remaining lifespan to wait infinity+1 years for some game makers/IP holders to drop games on GOG, I probably will(mainly really cheap games or stuff on heavy sales that GOG/Zoom/Itch doesn't sell)
< To me GOG/Zoom/Steam/etc are akin to grocery stores, not sports teams/etc.
Not gonna bother rallying for any of em' anymore and just buy as I will within my means and morals.
v Do you enjoy drm-free bread?
^ I avoid starchy and sugary carbs, Brosephus.

< ketogenic dieter

v Are you portly?
^ I have a gladiator physique: good muscles with a round wobbly belly. (This was used for easy non-lethal bleeding in scripted matches.)
< My supervisor once told me I have the biggest calves he's ever seen; I told him I never drive.
v I was once tasked with putting the neighbor's basketball hoop on the curb; while Mom insisted no one person could do it, I was already balancing the full length of it on my shoulder and halfway down the driveway. It hurt, but it was easy.
^ You forgot to mention that your forearms are as huge as Popeye the Sailor's.

< faster than a speeding pullet

v Do you like fresh yard eggs?