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Will you curate evil or will you let it devour the land?

<span class="bold">Tyranny</span>, the dark isometric RPG from Pillars of Eternity creators Obsidian, is looming on the horizon. It's the story of how Kyros, the evil overlord, has conquered the world and is now enforcing her will upon the people. With your help!
In the wake of the recently completed Gamescom, more details on how Tyranny works have surfaced and they are bound to make all aspiring enforcers of evil anxious for the game, coming day-one to

When comparing the game to Pillars of Eternity, Brian Heins, game director of Tyranny, said that this time around they are "focusing on a smaller game with a higher level of reactivity to player choices". He expects people to need around 25 hours for a full playthrough, but promises that going through the game a second (or even third) time is going to be a fundamentally different experience, should players choose to mix up their choices.

<span class="bold">Tyranny</span> is going to include over 800.000 words (across all story branches), so if you want to practise your reading, go ahead and absorb the information Brian Heins shared <span class="bold">in his interview with GameBanshee</span>.

Or, if you are more the audiovisual type, listen to him talking to the Rocket Beans guys below:
Post edited August 23, 2016 by maladr0Id
The role-playing part of PoE failed on me. I kept playing because of battle encounters (the chalenges of).
ciomalau: why must game force player to be evil? it's true that if you don't like it don't play it but some ppl might just be in for curiosity, they come to like it, and then they develop evil attitude like tinye and p1na! they can cause harm in real life! i look at steam and all i see is either games made by big company or indie crap at least half of them anime / manga which is pedophile propaganda. steam is so saturated with stupid games, it's even hard to find quality titles anymore because you must dig through tons of shit ok? i see people here in thread for finished games 2016 and they finish that bullshit va11halla or wtf its name is! they only see crap like that they don't know the good game and it's influencing their personality!
Speaking from personal experience, I assume.
i_ni: The role-playing part of PoE failed on me. I kept playing because of battle encounters (the chalenges of).
Opposite for me. I thought the story was decent and there were some good opportunites for roleplay. The combat? Tedious as hell and not fun. And far too many trash fights.
Post edited August 22, 2016 by GR00T
low rated
ciomalau: why must game force player to be evil? it's true that if you don't like it don't play it but some ppl might just be in for curiosity, they come to like it, and then they develop evil attitude like tinye and p1na! they can cause harm in real life! i look at steam and all i see is either games made by big company or indie crap at least half of them anime / manga which is pedophile propaganda. steam is so saturated with stupid games, it's even hard to find quality titles anymore because you must dig through tons of shit ok? i see people here in thread for finished games 2016 and they finish that bullshit va11halla or wtf its name is! they only see crap like that they don't know the good game and it's influencing their personality!
GR00T: Speaking from personal experience, I assume.
i_ni: The role-playing part of PoE failed on me. I kept playing because of battle encounters (the chalenges of).
GR00T: Opposite for me. I thought the story was decent and there were some good opportunites for roleplay. The combat? Tedious as hell and not fun. And far too many trash fights.
i can't talk freely here because it's thread from moderator. we can talk later about this ok?
i_ni: The role-playing part of PoE failed on me. I kept playing because of battle encounters (the chalenges of).
Then you probably will be delighted(?) to hear that Tyranny has no friendly fire. Not even on the hardest difficulty, yay!
I'm actually interested in seeing a good 'be the bad guy' game... emphasis on 'good'. Dungeon Keeper is the best example I have for a game that made being evil fun, and there aren't all that many more on the list... Evil Genius and Ghost Master were both decent.

More recently I was pretty excited by a kickstarter project called That Which Sleeps, in which you played an "Old One" recently awoken and intent on conquering the world that thought it had defeated you. Since that's about a year and a half past due with the lone programmer scrambling to dumb the AI down (he couldn't fix it as-is) for an alpha test, I've pretty well given up on that - Tyranny just might be the game to make up for that.
Looks promising, can't wait.
Post edited November 20, 2016 by Imachuemanch
I will say that, after the fiasco with No Man's Sky, you think GOG would go easy on the puffery for a while. :)
IAmSinistar: I will say that, after the fiasco with No Man's Sky, you think GOG would go easy on the puffery for a while. :)
I don't understand why people think NMS is a fiasco. The devs put out a game that did what they said they would, and have kept on top of issues with several patches. There was a lot of hype from people who thought NMS was the next Mass Effect/EVE Online/Descent/whatever mashup, but that's not the dev's fault.

Leaving that aside, this article isn't puffery - it's basically saying 'hey look, an upcoming game release from a popular developer!'. It's the kind of thing stores are supposed to put up news posts about.
Post edited August 22, 2016 by Gilozard
This game sounds really intriguing.

But don't you think the "be truly evil for once in an RPG" stuff is really just a headline grabber?

Or maybe thats just wishful thinking for me. I never have the desire to really "be a truly evil character" in my RPG's, cuz I really just like being myself in an RPG, same as I've been since my D&D days as a kid. Always more excited about the idea of imagining "what WOULD I do if i was in this fantastical place/situation/world, how would i function and react?", than role-playing some kind of character that's totally different than myself. And yeah, I'm generally not evil :P. So if it is a game where it's only about playing a truly evil character, well that wouldn't really be as interesting to me.

But what sounds exciting to me with a game like this, is being put in a position where I'm forced to make insanely difficult moral decisions - a mid-level Captain within an evil empire, who is actually some moral person trying to survive in a near-impossible situation. Like, how do I carry out the orders coming from my superiors, accomplishing what I'm supposed to accomplish, yet harming the minimal number of innocents? Some crazy balancing act of trying to hold to my morals/values as much as I can without losing my position, or more likely/importantly my head, in the process. Kind of like that star trek episode where Kirk ends up on the parallel dimension "evil enterprise".

Ideally then you could choose between whether you are a truly-evil member of the Empire, or someone desperately trying to make the best of an impossible situation, or anything in-between.

Now THAT sounds like a very intriguing RPG possibility to me, and those sound like some seriously interesting "moral choices"... if done right, that could present moral conundrums the player has to resolve on a level we've not had before in CPRGs. I'm not sure exactly how easy/possible it would be to create this kind of experience, but hey, I'm not a game dev... But yeah, I'll keep an eye on this one.

And in any case, always happy to see developers trying to push into new territory when it comes to world building, stories, and game-play situations, rather than more or less re-telling Tolkien for the 10,000th time.
Post edited August 22, 2016 by Ariod
IAmSinistar: I will say that, after the fiasco with No Man's Sky, you think GOG would go easy on the puffery for a while. :)
Gilozard: I don't understand why people think NMS is a fiasco. The devs put out a game that did what they said they would, and have kept on top of issues with several patches. There was a lot of hype from people who thought NMS was the next Mass Effect/EVE Online/Descent/whatever mashup, but that's not the dev's fault.
No that's not where a lot of the anger comes from, a lot of the anger comes from the things the dev specifically said but isn't in the game. Watch the Angry Review on the game for instance, it refers to a reddit thread that had a long, long list of stuff that was mentioned but never made it in, despite some of it being mentioned or even visibly in the game till shortly before release.
Post edited August 22, 2016 by Pheace
anothername: You can play an intelligent evil character in a story driven RPG for the first time in CRPG history.
IAmSinistar: Well, technically you can as well in the Baldur's Gate games, and the Heretic series, and probably a few others. But if done properly this would be a good reason to give it a spin. Other folks here have indicated that the devs might be hedging on the "true evil" side of things, however.
In all games I know that allow an evil char its an evil char in a heroes story. And evil choices are more often dumb and for the sake of doing something evil.
I really hope that Obsidian can pull this off. I think the concept of "Tyranny" is really intriguing, because some of my favorite gaming memories are playing an evil character in games like KOTOR 2 or Mask of the Betrayer.
Post edited August 23, 2016 by Nergal01
RyaReisender: The only RPG where I really enjoyed playing evil so far was Soul Nomad And The World Eaters. There you basically were just evil for the sake of being evil "I don't care, everyone should just die." and you could be so evil that even the demons were scared of you eventually.
I'd never heard of either of those. I'll have to check them out!
I'm always having such a hard time playing characters as evil when it's clear the "good path" is just better. It's why I find Tyranny pretty interesting. Like some other posters though, I'm not sure how well it will work. Just being a "bad guy with a heart of gold" doesn't appeal to me very much, so, I'll just wait how this one turns out.
I'm really hoping this one will turn out really good ;)
Will the linux build also be available on gog?
A linux version was announced, but is not present in the system requirements on gog.